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Charlotte's Web
by E.b. White

Charlotte's Web is a book of loyalty and trust that teaches a lesson in friendship. It says "Those who make a friend will never forget them, even in the future".

Spy School
by Stuart Gibbs

Spy School is a mystery book. If I tell you who, what, where, and why, I would have told the whole story. Spy School is not relaxing! Read when you are NOT working or NOT in your bed. Read it in the day! Good luck cracking the case!

The Seven Sisters
by Lucinda Riley

The first in a series about sisters named for the Pleiades constellation. A somewhat easy read.

He Started It
by Samantha Downing

Best book I've read in a long time. 4 star for me! Really easy to read and lots of twists and turns. Definitely recommend if you like thrillers!

My Big Dinosaur Book
by Priddy Books


Tacky The Penguin Book
by Helen Lester

An old favorite!!

A Kids Book About Racism
by Jelani Memory

Really great for a conversation and easy understanding of the concept

Trashy Town Book
by Andrea Zimmerman

Our favorite!!

Goodnight Gorilla
by Peggy Rathmann Books

Our favorite!! So good!! Lots of pictures to tell the story ourselves

I Need A Lunchbox
by Pat Cummins

Good story! I feel like that sometimes
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